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Sharepoint Powershell Scripts Fix

Repetitive tasks are a necessary evil. Many IT administrators rely on PowerShell scripts to automate their duties and monitor systems. Scripts can be run to complete operations in Office 365 and SharePoint Online. A script is a collection of PowerShell commands (also known as cmdlets) saved as a text file with a .ps1 extension for later use.

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With PowerShell, there are tons of copying options available. You can run scripts to copy teams, teams channels, chats, and much more! Check out our PowerShell syntax documentation about copying using ShareGate for more information.

The use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) is growing by the day. More and more customers are enabling MFA for administrator accounts to protect their cloud environment a little bit more. But that also might affect your PowerShell scripts. In this post I want to point out how to deal with MFA enabled accounts in your PowerShell script.

As more and more customers are enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) for administrator accounts, your PowerShell scripts may not work anymore. In case of MFA enabled accounts, you have to use the cmdlets to connect to your service without the parameter Credential. The Sign-In window has support for MFA.

Recently working on a SharePoint 2010 to Online migration project, many PowerShell scripts were helpful for analyzing the SharePoint environment. Below are a list of those. I will be adding more when I built them, so that it is easy to find and run them. This is also helpful for analyzing your on-prem environment.

Windows PowerShell scripts can be used to automate SharePoint installation and management. When you are using Windows PowerShell scripts to install SharePoint, it is easy to repeat the installation in exactly the same way. This is very useful when you have to create multiple development environments or multiple servers in a production environment, or when a farm has to be rebuilt after a system failure. Be aware that not all steps of the installation can be scripted by using Windows PowerShell, so you will still have to make sure that all steps are documented as well.

There are two different tools in which you can write and run Windows PowerShell scripts: the Windows PowerShell console window or the Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE). To make the Windows PowerShell ISE available on your server, you need to install the Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) Windows feature. You can do this by opening up the Server Manager, clicking Add Features, and selecting the ISE feature.

When you open the profile, you will notice that it is completely empty. You can add to it any script that you want to always be executed before you start working on your scripts. This could, for instance, be a command telling Windows PowerShell to always go to a default location:

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#631636I just ran into this issue we had no recievers. Ran your script minutes ago and it updated the recievers, now I wait. I will post back if it fixed

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#633416Prasath, Check to see if your Usage and Health Data Collection service application and service application proxy are started. Also check your WSS_Logging database if it has data populated in the tables for page requests.

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#634128HiMicrosoft.Office.Server.Search.Analytics.Internal.AnalyticsCustomRequestUsageReceiver doesnt seem to exist. I an unable to find any doco or reference it in visual studio. Am I missing something.

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#634247HiThe usage stats seem to be 2 days apart. ine usage entry is for 6/12 and the other is 9/12 nothing inbetween. Can you help

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#634268Mayank, It could be that the timer job to collect the data for those 2 missing days did not run properly, the data was corrupted, or a number of other reasons. Hard to know without investigating further.

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#638295Brian, thanks for this INFO, but I have a question, does this apply both for Standard and Enterprise CALs? Im trying to use the ViewsRecent managed properties on a Search Results webpart without success, and I cannot see Usage Reports anywhere.Thanks a lot!

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#639527Brain, I want to add that there is no official solution to fix this problem. I install several SP2013 farm and all of them had no Receivers defined by default.

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#642691I am facing this issue at the page level. As you know, you can click the Popularity Trends menu on each page to view usage data for that page. In my SharePoint deployment, I can see usage data for every page except one which is the Default.aspx page. When I queried the AnalyticsItemData table, it showed LastProcessingTime of Dec 15, 2014.

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#642823Hi Brian, The site analytics were working earlier. Recently, the customer reported this issue and I used your scripts.

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#644196Hello,Thanks for the post,I have a standalone Sharepoint Server 2013, the receivers are defined, I did not run the script and I am still not showing up data from the last month, there rest of the previous months I have data.I can see the data on the SQL server.Can you help me? Regards

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#646328Many thanks for sharing this gem with us. It worked great on the first try and next day I was able to see the counts in the report.Much Appreciated!!

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#646809I have the same issue on my SP2013 farms, activity was working some time ago but after reverting the farms it displays 0, I have reviewed the receivers and both are configured in the same way as yours, DB is showing activity but report is displaying 0, do you have any idea of my problem?.Thanks in advance!! PS: Nice post BTW!

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#647264Most popular items is specific to site collection?last month i have fixed the issue for one site( Sub site) and Most popular items were showing as expected. After 2 weeks another user reported the issue for different issue and fixed the issue and now results were showing as expected. What is the permanent fix. Popularity trends is specific to site.

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#647329Hello,Both of my event receivers are enabled. And my timerjob is also started. But yet it is showing me 0 data in usage reports. What must be the reason.

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#648437Hi,Even after execution of powershell and time service restart and after one day still getting output as 0. I checked the usage log report its running fine, only popularity trends is not working. Kindly suggest your viewpoint

Originally posted on: -script-to-workaround-no-data-in-sharepoint-2013-usage.aspx#649914tmer jobs are also running and receivers are also enabled.Still getting 0 results in Popularity trend reportCan someone please help

Before you perform any kind of an administrative task in your SharePoint Online, you need to connect to your organization. Mind that connecting to SharePoint Online might be useful not only when you want to manage your SharePoint sites and permissions, but also when you want to run some scripts on Office 365 groups. This article shows you how to take the first step to manage your online resources by connecting to your SharePoint organization with PowerShell.

Recently I started working on a migration project to migrate the contents from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2019. The first step was to analyze the current FARM. I had to write few PS scripts in order to get the FARM inventory. Here are some of the commands I used for getting the details. Hope this will help someone.

The SharePoint Online Management Shell is a Windows PowerShell module designed for command-line operations and inclusion in PowerShell scripts. The module makes it possible to perform batch processing for tasks like reports and is the only way to achieve some management tasks in SharePoint and OneDrive.

The functionality available through the SharePoint Online PowerShell module is limited and restricted to basic administration tasks performed by a SharePoint Online administrator, such as managing sites and tenant settings. To get extra functionality, use the cmdlets available in the SharePoint PnP PowerShell cmdlets project in GitHub, part of the Patterns & Practices community initiative. To go further and be able to access all the aspects of SharePoint, you will need to use the CSOM API in your PowerShell scripts. To install the PnP PowerShell module, run this command:

Regular audit of SharePoint permissions is critical for security. Misconfigured or maliciously given permissions enable users to view, copy, modify or even delete confidential information they should not have access to. Therefore, regular auditing of SharePoint permissions is crucial to minimizing the risk of data leaks and compliance violations. You can list the current effective permissions for your SharePoint site collections by using Microsoft PowerShell scripts, but they are quite complex and can take time to execute. There is a better way to get a report on SharePoint permissions.

Windows PowerShell is an object-oriented automation engine and scripting language. It is designed mainly for IT professionals and system administrators to control & automate the administration of Windows OS and other applications. It provides compelling new concepts to extend the knowledge you have gained and scripts you have created within the Windows Command Prompt and Windows Script Host environments. 041b061a72

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